Nauyana monastery

Theravada Forest tradition

Everyone is welcome to visit the monastery. It is necessary to apply beforehnd if the visitor intends to stay for a duration or ordain in the monastry. Please call to check about the latest updates or events and make adequate preparations for your return journey beforehand as accommodation may be difficult to arrange on very short notice.

Information for Visitors

Stay and Practice with Us

It is possible to stay at the Monastery as Upasaka or Anagarika for a month. this allows for closer association with the Sangha and clarification of doubts about Dhamma and meditation practice. The period can be extended, if there is availability of accommodation and the conduct of the Meditator is in harmony with the commune.

Understand the various stages of monastic ordination and the aspects of training associated with it.


Information for Ordination Aspirants

Information for Female Practitioners

There is an adjoint nunnery called Metta Vihar which is dedicated to support Budddhist nuns and female lay yogis. While facility for the ordination of Sayalays or 10 precepts Nuns is not yet available at this centre, there is accomodation available to follow a moral life devoted to meditation. Mettā Vihār is also managed by Nauyana Trust. For further information and availbility of accomadation, please contact Mr satyanarayana Raju.

Please Download Application Form below

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